
Jessica Nickelsen

Mum, geek, writer. Software discombobulator. Insect rescuer. Cat box /child den constructor. Experimental desserts a specialty.

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A July letter

UNUSUAL FICTIONS Issue #13 Dear newsletter friend, I'm writing this as a letter this time, to see if perhaps that form suits us better. The old way, with headings and whatnot, isn't that enjoyable to me. I personally prefer reading something that feels like a letter than something that feels like a business pitch. (Also Dan Wang does it, which gives me a weird sense of validation.) I've been away on a writing retreat with my friend Gina, at this cute bach in Hatepe, near Taupō: the wee...

Issue #12 Hey there. This is UNUSUAL FICTIONS, a monthly newsletter from Jess Nickelsen. Hello! I hope this month's little letter finds you well. It was 4º (celcius) this morning, which is a sign that we're well-and-truly in to autumn now. (Just as an aside, I always have to add 6 months to the southern hemisphere seasons to figure out what the northern hemisphere equivalent is, even though I have lived here pretty much for thirty years; if you're wondering, we're currently in our equivalent...

Issue #11 Unusual Fictions Hey there. This is UNUSUAL FICTIONS, a sporadic newsletter from Jess Nickelsen. Happy March, everyone! It actually sort of sucks, going into autumn right now. It really doesn't feel like the summer was long enough. I wonder if I say that every year, or if this year summer was particularly...meh? We had a few hot days back around new year / early Jan, but February was pretty underwhelming, weather-wise. That said, the cicadas are out right now, which is one of my...

Issue #10 Hey there. This is UNUSUAL FICTIONS, a sporadic newsletter from Jess Nickelsen. Happy January! We are in the middle of summer now (at last!) which means lots of pool time, gardening, eating with friends, feral children (it’s still school holidays), and wandering around in pyjamas at all hours of the day. Despite all of this I have managed to hit a few big milestones that I’m happy about. I’m still figuring out what I want to focus on in the year ahead, but generally speaking they...

Issue #9 Hey there. This is UNUSUAL FICTIONS, a newsletter from Jess Nickelsen. Greetings from nearly-December! Here in NZ we're getting tantalisingly close to summer. It's amazing how a bit more light in the mornings, and the odd sunny day, does so much to lift the spirits. That said, we’re currently in the middle of a polar blast coming up from the south, which means despite the sunshine it’s still woolly sweaters and socks in bed territory round here. We all got our flu jabs this year, but...

Issue #8 Hey there friends. Long time no email! Life has been...ah, you know the story. I've been writing, but the newsletter unfortunately fell by the wayside a little. So here we all are in 2023. Already it's shaping up to be better than the last couple of years, which I suspect everyone is quite happy to leave behind. I'm trying to get back on track with everything after the summer holidays here in NZ; work is ramping up, term one is, well, done, and we're heading into autumn now. new cool...

Hello! Tired looking woman, with glasses, and a face mask hanging over one ear. The Beauty of Ten Minutes I was struggling a bit to decide what I wanted to write about in this month’s newsletter, so I got up to make a cup of tea. That turned into making some toast, and that turned into emptying the dishwasher. Somewhere between the first and second drawers I found it. Just popped into my head: The Beauty of Ten Minutes. Giving things ten minutes out of my day has been revelatory! For a lot of...

Well, hello! Another month has zoomed by, disturbingly quickly! It’s been a busy time for me, what with my new job, and my daughter learning from home at the moment while Omicron surges. Writing updates I’ve stalled out a bit on my “trash planet” story, and so decided to give myself a bit of leeway to get back to basics. I’ve done a few interesting online courses (Cat Rambo’s are particularly good), and I’ve found an excellent (and hilarious) writing podcast called Couch to 80k, by Tim Clare....

Hello there! It’s been a little while since the last newsletter, but it was good to be able to go “off the air” over summer. New Zealand is in a strange place at the moment, with Omicron surging (in a hopefully-controlled process of slowly pulling back on some of our health restrictions) and what with protests happening in most of our cities (against vaccine mandates), and the war unfolding in Ukraine, the news is just crammed with scenes of conflict. At times it’s really hard to pull away,...

Hello everyone! This is a bit of a long-overdue newsletter; there have been a lot of ups and downs, and highs and lows lately. Everything seems to get busier the closer you get to Christmas and the holidays, and family issues have been taking up a lot of my mental bandwidth lately. It seems a perfect time to write about how to keep moving forward when (for whatever reasons) your routine blows up on you. Maybe I'll even manage to convince myself, sheesh. But first... The #1 most important...